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Writer's picturedr. Octopus

The Human Mycelium: Connecting Our Sense of Self and Solving Global Problems

The Human Mycelium

Understanding the Human Mycelium

The concept of the Human Mycelium draws an analogy between the mycelial networks formed by fungi and the interconnectedness of human beings. Mycelial networks are vast, living systems of tubular cells that form symbiotic relationships with plants, exchanging nutrients and supporting the ecosystem. Similarly, humans are connected by invisible threads of relationships, emotions, and shared experiences. Recognizing this interconnectedness can transform our understanding of self and our approach to solving global issues.

The Philosophy of Fungi

Studying fungi and their mycelial networks can change our perspective on life and our place in the world. Mycorrhizal fungi, often referred to as chemical wizards, forage for nutrients in the soil and exchange them with plants for carbon compounds produced during photosynthesis. These networks are essential for the health of ecosystems, as fungi act as the circulatory system of the planet. When fungi suffer, the entire ecosystem suffers.

Mushrooms, the fruiting bodies of fungi, are merely the visible part of these complex networks. The true magic lies beneath the surface, where fungi form symbiotic relationships with plants, aiding in their growth and survival. This symbiosis has existed since the earliest days of plant life on Earth and continues to be vital for 90% of plant species.

Fungi also demonstrate incredible intelligence and adaptability. For example, the Ophiocordyceps fungus can manipulate ants into spreading its spores, showcasing a level of problem-solving and environmental manipulation that challenges our understanding of intelligence.

The Connection to Human Society

The symbiotic relationships seen in fungi can be mirrored in human society. Just as fungi support plants, humans thrive when they support each other. Our well-being is deeply intertwined with our connections to others. Understanding the Human Mycelium means recognizing that we are part of a larger, interconnected system where our actions affect the whole.

This interconnectedness calls into question the concept of individualism. Just as fungi and plants are interdependent, humans are interconnected on a fundamental level. Our bodies are home to countless microbes that play crucial roles in our health, highlighting the symbiosis within us.

Dissolving the Boundaries of Self

As we learn about fungi, the boundaries of self become blurred. The sense of individuality and separateness from our environment and nature dissolves. This realization can lead to a profound shift in how we view ourselves and our place in the world.

By embracing the philosophy of the Human Mycelium, we can foster a greater sense of unity and collective responsibility. This awareness can drive us to create positive change and solve global problems together.

The Octopus Movement: Creating Awareness

The Octopus Movement is dedicated to raising awareness of the Human Mycelium and promoting the understanding that we are all connected. By fostering this awareness, we can create a better balance between humanity and nature. Different thinking and a holistic approach to problem-solving can address many of the world's challenges.


Understanding the Human Mycelium can transform our sense of self and our approach to global problems. By recognizing our interconnectedness and embracing a symbiotic relationship with each other and nature, we can create a healthier, more harmonious world. The Octopus Movement is at the forefront of this effort, striving to awaken this awareness and inspire positive change.


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