Axelle Manfrini, born in 1987 in Avignon in the south of France, started design studies in high school. After her graduation, she left for Paris where she specialized in fashion design at the Paris School of Art. She then proceeded to study photography at the Université de Paris 8. Her eclectic background gave her the opportunity to take an interest in design, visual art, fashion, cinema... This curiosity of all things artistic gives her a source of diversified skills from which she draws constantly to enhance her photographic skill set. For her, photography is not just a document, it is a space for creation. She now lives and works between Paris, France and Lisbon, Portugal.

Copyright Axelle Manfrini

Copyright Axelle Manfrini

Copyright Axelle Manfrini

Copyright Axelle Manfrini

Copyright Axelle Manfrini

Copyright Axelle Manfrini
For more information about the artist please contact us at art-gallery@theoctopusmovement.org